Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Estimtion of Serum Uric Acid in Essential Hypertension
Hitesh Rathod,
Rakesh Sisara,
Ankur Patel,
Ashok Gagiya
serum uric acid, Medical Education, HTN increased
Research Article
Open Access
Incidence of White Spot Lesions during Fixed Orthodontic Therapy an In-Vivo Evaluation of Two Different Bonding Adhesives
Aishwariya P S,
M.K. Karthikeyan,
Nadar Anthonu Selva Pinky Amuldas
white spot lesions, Tansbond XT, Enlight, Fixed orthodontic appliance.
Research Article
Open Access
Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Development Features and Correction Methods
Muna H. I. Alridhwany,
Farah K. Sulaeman,
Ali F.Y. Al-Barodchi,
Hashim Z.H. Manaa
pain, rheumatoid arthritis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, diclofenac sodium.
Research Article
Open Access
The Effectiveness of Health Supplement Consumption Handbook during The Covid-19 Pandemic In Sleman District
Kurnia Yuliawati,
Dyah Perwitasari,
Sitti Nur Djannah,
Ana Hidayati
health promotion, health supplements, COVID – 19, knowledge, behavior.
Research Article
Open Access
Feeling Good Rather Than Feeling Better Matters More To Pain in Children Considering Intervention Worthwhile. -A Randomized Clinical Trial
Buzzy device; Distraction card; Children; Fear; Pain Management; Parents' satisfaction.
Research Article
Open Access
Usage of Therapeutic Offloading In Diabetic Foot- A Clinical Audit
Amit Kumar C Jain,
Apoorva HC
Offloading, Simple, Amit Jain’s, Felted foam, Footwear, Total contact cast.
Research Article
Open Access
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy (VNS) in Refractory Epilepsy: What we know so far
Ansh Chaudhary,
Bhupendra Chaudhary
Vagus nerve stimulation, refractory epilepsy, seizure control, neurostimulation, epilepsy treatment.
Research Article
Open Access
A Cross-sectional Study on Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices of under five Children in Block Hajin of Kashmir Valley
Rabia Ahmad Shah,
Anjum B Fazili,
Uroosa Farooq Allaqband,
Rohul Jabeen Shah
Antenatal, Feeding, Infant, Practice, Under five children.
Research Article
Open Access
Antibacterial Activity of Homoeopathic Medicines on Streptococcus Pyogenes: An In Vitro Study
Antara Majumder,
Kumar Gaurav,
Sayak Ghosh,
Joydeep Khanra,
Pritam Goswami,
Satadal Das
Streptococcus pyogenes, anti-bacterial action, Homoeopathic medicine, Growth Inhibition Zone.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Oxygenation Status and HRCT Thorax in “Asymptomatic & Mildly Symptomatic RT-PCR Positive COVID 19” Subjects
Sajal Mitra,
Dipti Chand,
Sanjeev Kumar,
Jawahar Rathod,
Sagar Khandare
Happy Hypoxia, Ground Glass Opacities(GGO).
Research Article
Open Access
A comparative analysis of cervical cancer screening differentials between women in Chegutu Rural and Chegutu Urban of Zimbabwe
Cervical cancer, screening, knowledge, attitudes, practice, barriers
Research Article
Open Access
The Physical Health Impacts of Playing Habits Online Games on Students
Rendi Ariyanto Sinanto,
Fatwa Tentama,
Sitti Nur Djannah
Health Impact, online games, habits, playing games, students.
Research Article
Open Access
Anirban Kool,
Mousumi Chakravarty,
Urmita Chakraborty,
Moonmoon Sinha,
Suraia Parveen,
Satadal Das
Dengue, Antigen-dependent enhancement, cytokine storm, NS1, Dengue serotype
Research Article
Open Access
The Impact of the Piyungan Landfills Waste on Public Health Problems in Dusun Ngablak Desa Sitimulyo Kecamatan Piyungan
Astry Axmalia,
Surahma Asti Mulasari,
Widodo Hariyono
The Piyungan Landfills, Public Health Problems, Environmental Pollution.
Research Article
Open Access
Knowledge Attitude and Practices of Menstrual Hygiene among Rural Adolescent School Girls of Kapilvastu District, Nepal
Deepak Belbase,
Anjali Basnet,
Madan Prasad Panthi,
Kamal Gautam,
Radha Aryal
Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Adolescent, Menstruation.
Research Article
Open Access
Low Thyroid Levels and Its Correlation with Adverse Outcome in ICU Patients
Parth Mashru,
Naimesh Shah,
Sagar Ghetiya,
Deepak Shukla,
Harshvardhan Chauhan,
Prakash Patel
T3, T4 and TSH levels, ICU, Patients.
Research Article
Open Access
Depression- Lets’ Talk. A Cross Sectional Study among Undergraduate Nurses in a Metropolitan City of India
Michi Monya,
Lalit Sankhe,
Chhaya Rajguru
Depression, public health, psychiatric counseling
Research Article
Open Access
Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Outbreak: A Narrative Review of Current Knowledge
Shaik Kareemulla,
P. Tejaswini,
S. Yaseen Vamaliya,
S. Yasmeen,
K. Chaithanya Bharathi
Pandemic, 2019-nCOV, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, bat-SL-CoV, RT-PCR.
Research Article
Open Access
Bowel Injury during Cesarean Section
Samara Mohammed Mahdi,
Wissam Hussein Sabbry,
Elaf Aied Shaker
Cesarean, tympanitic abdomen, Intraoperative, VBAC, FFP.
Research Article
Open Access
Pathophysiologic and Clinical Spectrum of Neurological Involvement in SARS-CoV-2 infection
Josef Finsterer,
Fulvio A Scorza
Socio-Economic, COVID 19 Crisis, Death rates, RNA viruses, Home Culture, Violence, SARS-CoV-2, WHO survey
Research Article
Open Access
Prospective Trials are warranted to Assess if Immunosuppression Affects the Outcome of COVID-19 in Neuroimmunologic Disease
Josef Finsterer,
Fulvio A Scorza
SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, neuromuscular, autoimmune neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, myositis.
Research Article
Open Access
Extensive Work-Up for Ophthalmoplegia Due to Single mtDNA Deletions is Required
ophthalmoplegia, mtDNA, mitochondrial, strabism, double vision