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Editor Guidelines for the International Academic Research Consortium


Peer Review Mode:

The International Academic Research Consortium upholds a strict peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of the research published. All submissions undergo meticulous evaluation by expert reviewers in the relevant fields before it is accepted for publication. The journal adopts a double-blind peer review mode, where both the identities of the authors and reviewers are kept anonymous to each other to maintain impartiality and objectivity.


Transparent Peer Review:

While International Academic Research Consortium maintains the confidentiality of author and reviewer identities, transparency in the peer review process is prioritized. Reviewers give out constructive feedback to enhance the quality of the author’s manuscripts. Additionally, open communication between authors, reviewers, and editors is encouraged to promote transparency and accountability throughout the review process.


The Role of Editors:

Editors play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality, relevance, and integrity of the research published in the International Academic Research Consortium.

Their responsibilities encompass:

  • The editors oversee the entire peer review process; from manuscript submission to publication.
  • Editors assign manuscripts to appropriate reviewers based on their expertise and subject matter.
  • They evaluate reviewers' comments and recommendations to make informed decisions on manuscript acceptance, revision, or rejection.
  • Editors ensure adherence to ethical standards and publication guidelines.
  • Editors provide guidance and support to authors, reviewers, and editorial board members as needed.


Recognition for Editors:

The International Academic Research Consortium recognizes the invaluable contributions of editors to the scholarly publishing process. Editors receive acknowledgment for their dedicated service through:

  • Inclusion in the editorial board list on the journal website and in published issues.
  • Recognition in editorial notes or acknowledgments in published articles.
  • Certificate of appreciation for their leadership and commitment to maintaining publishing standards.
  • 25% Waiver on Publication of their manuscript with iARCON Group
  • 50% Waiver on All the conference and workshops organised by iARCON


To Become an Editor:

Experienced researchers and professionals in the field of applied medical sciences are invited to apply for editorial positions at the International Academic Research Consortium. Individuals can submit their application by Apply for Editor or You can submit your application to . The application must include their expertise, qualifications, and publications, to the editorial office. The editorial board evaluates reviewer applications based on their expertise and experience in the relevant field.


Guidance for Editors:

Editors receive comprehensive guidance and support to effectively manage the peer review process and uphold publication standards. This includes:

The editors are given access to a detailed editorial guideline, outlining their roles, responsibilities, and ethical obligations.

Ongoing training and professional development opportunities enhances editorial skills and knowledge.

We provide assistance from the editorial office in addressing any editorial issues, conflicts, or concerns that may arise. Regular feedback and performance evaluations further ensures editorial excellence and integrity of the Editors.


At the International Academic Research Consortium, editors play a vital role in maintaining the journal's reputation for publishing high-quality, impactful research in the field of applied medical sciences. By adhering to these guidelines, editors contribute to the advancing scientific knowledge while fostering academic excellence within the scholarly community.

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