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IAR Journal of Advances in Crop Science and Technology
ISSN Online: 2789-5963
ISSN Print: 2789-5955

IAR Journal of Advances in Crop Science and Technology” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr. Adv Corp Sci Tech; ISSN - …

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IAR Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research
ISSN Online: 2789-598X
ISSN Print: 2789-5971

IAR Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr. Agr Sci Fd Res; ISSN - 2789-598X …

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IAR Journal of Agriculture Research and Life Sciences
ISSN Online: 2708-5104
ISSN Print: 2708-5090

IAR Journal of Agriculture Research and Life Sciences is publishing high quality papers that address the field of Agriculture. IAR …

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IAR Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care
ISSN Online: 2709-1880
ISSN Print: 2709-1872

IAR Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR J Anesthesiol Crit Care. ISSN Online: 2709-1880 …

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IAR Journal of Business Management
ISSN Online: 2708-5147
ISSN Print: 2708-5139

IAR Journal of Business Management” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR  Jr  Bus Mgn.; ISSN Online: 2708-5147; ISSN Print: 2708-5139  is peer …

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IAR Journal of Clinical & Medical Biochemistry
ISSN Online: 2789-6005
ISSN Print: 2789-5998

IAR Journal of Clinical & Medical Biochemistry” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr. Clnc. Med Biochem; ISSN - 2789-6005 (Online),  ISSN …

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IAR Journal of Clinical Research
ISSN Online: 2789-6064
ISSN Print: 2789-6056

IAR Journal of Clinical Research” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr Clnc Res; ISSN - 2789-6064 (Online), ISSN - 2789-6056 (Print) …

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IAR Journal of Engineering and Technology
ISSN Online: 2708-5163
ISSN Print: 2708-5155

IAR Journal of Engineering and Technology Abbreviated Key Title: IAR J Eng Tech; ISSN - 2708-5163 (Online), ISSN - 2708-5155 (Print) …

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IAR Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Design Thinking
ISSN Online: 2709-9539
ISSN Print: 2709-9520

IAR Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Design Thinking Abbreviated Key Title: IAR  Jr  Ent. Innv Desg Thnkg.; ISSN Online: 2709-9539; ISSN …

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IAR Journal of Forensic Medicine and Anatomy
ISSN Online: 2789-6129
ISSN Print: 2789-6110

IAR Journal of Forensic Medicine and Anatomy” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr Frn Med Antmy; ISSN - 2789-6129 (Online),  ISSN …

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IAR Journal of Health Care and Prevention
ISSN Online: 2789-6048
ISSN Print: 2789-603X

IAR Journal of Health Care and Prevention” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr Hlth Cre Prvntn; ISSN - 2789-6048 (Online),  ISSN …

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IAR Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies
ISSN Online: 2709-3336
ISSN Print: 2709-3328

IAR Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies Abbreviated Key Title: IAR J Human Cul. Stud; ISSN - 2709-3336 (Online), ISSN …

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IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Science
ISSN Online: 2708-6267
ISSN Print: 2708-6259

IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Science” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR  Jr Human Soc Sci.; ISSN Online: 2708-6267; ISSN Print: …

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IAR Journal of Medical Case Reports
ISSN Online: 2709-3220
ISSN Print: 2709-3239

IAR Journal of Medical Case Reports, Abbreviated Key Title: IAR J Med Cse Rep; ISSN - 2709-3239 (Online), ISSN - …

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IAR Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN Online: 2708-3594

IAR  Journal of Medical Sciences, Abbreviated Key Title: IAR  J Med Sci; ISSN - 2708-3594 (Online) and Open Access is …

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IAR Journal of Parasitology & Infectious Disease
ISSN Online: 2789-6080
ISSN Print: 2789-6072

IAR Journal of Parasitology & Infectious Disease, Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr Parasit. Infect. Dis; ISSN - 2789-6080 (Online), ISSN- …

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IAR Journal of Pharmacy
ISSN Online: 2709-9512
ISSN Print: 2709-9504

IAR Journal of Pharmacy, Abbreviated Key Title: IAR J Pharm; ISSN - 2709-9512 (Online), ISSN - 2709-9504 (Print) and Open …

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IAR Journal of Tourism and Business Management
ISSN Online: 2789-6021
ISSN Print: 2789-6013

IAR Journal of Tourism and Business Management” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr. Trsm Bus. Mgn; ISSN - 2789-6021 (Online), ISSN …

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IAR-Medical Series
ISSN Online: 2709-3255
ISSN Print: 2709-3247

IAR-Medical Series” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR J. Med Ser; ISSN - 2709-3255 (Online), ISSN - 2709-3247 (Print) and Open Access …

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International Academic Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing
ISSN Online: 2709-3263
ISSN Print: 2709-3271

International Academic Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing, Abbreviated Key Title: Int Aca. J Adv Prct. Nurs; ISSN - 2709-3263 …

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International Academic Journal of Applied Bio-Medical Sciences
ISSN Online: 2709-3298
ISSN Print: 2709-328X

International Academic Journal of Applied Bio-Medical Sciences” Abbreviated Key Title: Int Aca. J App Biomed Sci; ISSN - 2709-3298 (Online), …

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International Academic Journal of Education & Literature
ISSN Online: 2708-5120
ISSN Print: 2708-5112

International Academic Journal of Education & Literature, Abbreviated Key Title: Int. Aca Jr Edu Lte; ISSN Online: 2708-5120 & ISSN …

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International Academic Journal of Law
ISSN Online: 2709-9490
ISSN Print: 2709-9482

International Academic Journal of Law, Abbreviated Key Title: Int. Aca. J. Law; ISSN - 2709-9490 (Online), ISSN - 2709-9482 (Print) …

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International Academic Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences
ISSN Online: 2709-9474
ISSN Print: 2709-9466

International Academic Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR J Nut Fd. Sci; ISSN - 2709-9474 (Online), …

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International Academic Research Journal of Internal Medicine & Public Health
ISSN Online: 2709-331X
ISSN Print: 2709-3301

International Academic Research Journal of Internal Medicine & Public Health, Abbreviated Key Title: Int Aca. Res. J Int. Med. Pub. …

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International Academic Research Journal of Surgery
ISSN Online: 2789-6102
ISSN Print: 2789-6099

International Academic Research Journal of Surgery” Abbreviated Key Title: Int Aca Rea Jr Surg; ISSN - 2789-6102 (Online), ISSN - …

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Scientific Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
ISSN Online: 2788-9424
ISSN Print: 2788-9416

“Scientific  Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science” Abbreviated Key Title Sci Jr Art Huma Soc Sci; ISSN Print: 2788-9416 …

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Scientific Research Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences
ISSN Online: 2788-9386
ISSN Print: 2788-9378

Scientific Research Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci Res.  Jr Agr Lf Sci.; ISSN …

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Scientific Research Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences
ISSN Online: 2788-8851
ISSN Print: 2788-8843

Scientific Research Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences, Abbreviated Key Title: SRJ Clin & Med Sci; ISSN - 2788-8851 (Online), …

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Scientific Research Journal of Economics and Business Management
ISSN Online: 2788-9505
ISSN Print: 2788-9491

Scientific Research Journal of Economics and Business Management” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci Res Jr Eco Bus Mgn.; ISSN …

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Scientific Research Journal of Education and Literature
ISSN Online: 2788-9521
ISSN Print: 2788-9513

Scientific Research Journal of Education and Literature” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci Res Jr Edu Human Lte; ISSN Print: …

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Scientific Research Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences
ISSN Online: 2788-9408
ISSN Print: 2788-9394

Scientific Research Journal of Engineering and Computer Science” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci Res Jr Eng Comp Sci. Sci; …

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Scientific Research Journal of Medical Case Reports
ISSN Online: 2788-9548
ISSN Print: 2788-953X

Scientific Research Journal of Medical Case Reports” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci. Res Jr Med Cse Rep.; ISSN Print: …

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Scientific Research Journal of Medical Sciences
ISSN Online: 2788-9483
ISSN Print: 2788-9475

Scientific Research Journal of Medical Sciences” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci Res Jr Med Sci; ISSN Print: 2788-9475 …

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Scientific Research Journal of Medicine
ISSN Online: 2788-9440
ISSN Print: 2788-9432

Scientific Research Journal of Medicine” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci Res. Jr Med. ISSN Print: 2788-9432 |  …

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Scientific Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
ISSN Online: 2788-9467
ISSN Print: 2788-9459

Scientific Research Journal of Multidisciplinary” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci. Res. Jr Multidisc.; ISSN Print: 2788-9459 | ISSN Online: …

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Scientific Research Journal of Pharmacy
ISSN Online: 2788-9564
ISSN Print: 2788-9556

Scientific Research Journal of  Pharmacy” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci Res Jr Pharm; ISSN Print: 2788-9556 | ISSN Online: …

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Scientific Research Journal of Review of Public Administration and Management
ISSN Online: 2788-8835
ISSN Print: 2788-8827

Scientific Research Journal of Review of Public Administration and Management” Abbreviated Key Title: SRJ Rev Pub Adm & Mng; ISSN …

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