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IAR Journal of Business Management
ISSN Online: 2708-5147
ISSN Print: 2708-5139

IAR Journal of Business Management” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR  Jr  Bus Mgn.; ISSN Online: 2708-5147; ISSN Print: 2708-5139  is peer …

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IAR Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Design Thinking
ISSN Online: 2709-9539
ISSN Print: 2709-9520

IAR Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Design Thinking Abbreviated Key Title: IAR  Jr  Ent. Innv Desg Thnkg.; ISSN Online: 2709-9539; ISSN …

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IAR Journal of Tourism and Business Management
ISSN Online: 2789-6021
ISSN Print: 2789-6013

IAR Journal of Tourism and Business Management” Abbreviated Key Title: IAR Jr. Trsm Bus. Mgn; ISSN - 2789-6021 (Online), ISSN …

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Scientific Research Journal of Economics and Business Management
ISSN Online: 2788-9505
ISSN Print: 2788-9491

Scientific Research Journal of Economics and Business Management” Abbreviated Key Title: Sci Res Jr Eco Bus Mgn.; ISSN …

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Scientific Research Journal of Review of Public Administration and Management
ISSN Online: 2788-8835
ISSN Print: 2788-8827

Scientific Research Journal of Review of Public Administration and Management” Abbreviated Key Title: SRJ Rev Pub Adm & Mng; ISSN …

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