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Review Article | Volume 5 Issue 2 (April-June, 2024) | Pages 1 - 9
Measuring Electronic Government Sustainability: Creating Robust Assessment Tools
College of Engineering, University of Information Technology and Communications, Baghdad, Iraq
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
July 9, 2024
July 26, 2024
Aug. 20, 2024
Oct. 28, 2024

Electronic government services have turned into a main and very important module offered by governments related to Information Technology (IT) to aid wholly electronic transactions. At the same time, numerous types of studies have used (UTAUT) unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. Additionally, this study tried to consider the relationship between Usage Behaviour (UB) and Continued Usage Intention (CUI) within the UTAUT framework. Moreover, several prior studies involving many models and theories have underlined the importance of determining the interaction relating to different variables and Usage behaviour matters as considered a success factor key generally in technology. The finding of this article approves that the same variable in the same or different theory has different outcomes in another country. Additionally, in phase two of exam, the outcome is to examine the instrument reliability by utilizing Cronbach’s alpha exam the result of the article confirms the novelty and the validity of the recommended theoretical framework. Based on the current findings, it has been verified the proposed instrument (questionnaire) has been reliable in evaluating the sustainability and continuous usage of technology specifically EG.


According to the numerous changes in several sides users (people) in daily life, it was the main factor and the main generator of the development of information technologies (IT)[1].


Nowadays there are a lot of electronic applications that's related to the private and public sector.

So there are a lot of electronic applications related to the private sector like in business, learning, finance and a lot of more available nowadays.

However, there are many electronics services in the public sector which are established to serve and help the people in general and the residents and the citizens in specific.


Those electronic services empower the users to complete the transactions electronically safely with high speed and any time (24/7); therefore, electronic government is needed, and electronic government becomes one of the important electronic applications which are available nowadays.


Moreover, too many countries adopt EG services, but the benefits are different from country to country. In this point of view many countries nowadays work hard to enhance the electronic service and try to increase the success of the electronic government.

In general, the success of electronic government is considered from different perspectives so one of the important perspectives to measure the success of electronic government is by the use and continued use of those particular applications or particular electronic applications with the government provided to the people in general and the residents and the citizens in specific.

Currently, there are too many applications or services which governments provide by four main branches, like:


1- Government to Government (G2G) which the government provides the services to other government branches, for example exchanging the digital information and electronic connection between ministries.


2-Government to Employee (G2E) the government provides too many applications on the electronic forms to help employees in and out of the county in general, like some roles and regulations such as safety regulations and so on.


3-Government to Business (G2B) so the government provides a lot of services to facilitate the business and to keep the business running smoothly and also increase the benefits of the business sector by trying to enhance the performance of those particular businesses and make the roles and the regulation clear.


4-Government to Citizen (G2C) the government provides the services to the citizens. Moreover, the services are different from country to country based on the needs, ability, and the capability of the government. Generally, the governments provide too many services to the citizens like electronic voting, electronic passports and so on. Importantly, there are a lot of factors that affect using of IT in general and EG in specific like; environment, and the awareness of the people to use technology for example, the knowledge of the people using a computer, Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE) Social Influence (SI), Facilitating Conditions (FC), Level of Education (LE), Age, etc. 

 Moreover, the current disruption has also brought about a re-engineering of the entire transaction process between night and day around the world and paperless engagement with it.[2,3].


 These activities and progress are needed to implement the creation of new technology as innovation[4].

Nowadays revolution of IT has powered the interest of academics and practitioners of information systems (IS) globally.[4]. Also, the new field of using new technology has become an important topic worldwide[4]. 


Increasingly, scholars and academics applied new phases to grow the usage of new technology as innovation, because usage of new technology (like electronic government applications) is based on users’ readiness to continue using these particular services[5]. Also, the technology and electronic services demonstrate the ultimate or increasing success of that technology or electronic service depends more on continued usage than on its initial attempts or first-time use of that innovation.[5]. The main motivations behind designing and producing the current survey instrument derive from two important aspects; first, there are a small number of research papers that have been conducted empirically to uncover and identify the variables that must be determined and control the level of success of technology usage. However, the number two aspect is to develop a specific survey to identify the variables that have directly or indirectly influenced technology usage.

So, the production of the new survey should consider the influences on the success of acceptance of technology like EG, because the area of ​​usage of different types of technology such as Artificial intelligence and EG, etc, is growing, aiming to explore its new area with new research.


The EG validity as an innovation or new electronic service will be tested using a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology[6]. 

Furthermore, the exploration of concepts and applying them to a new technology such as EG can lead to excellent chances for the establishment of new knowledge and novel experiences[4]. 

Many studies have applied wholly UTAUT or partially [7-9] ,  because,  (UTAUT) has fundamental variables to examine users’ behavioural intention (BI) and behaviour of use, that is: (PE) Performance Expectancy, (EE) Effort Expectancy (FC) Facilitating Conditions, and lastly (SI) Social Influence[10]. Figure 1 shows the UTAUT framework. 

Figure 1 unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT )

Source: [10]


Among various technology models and theories, UTAUT is considered the very complicated theory that links super important factors to be used in this study.

Simultaneously, the (UTAUT) has been broadly implemented in various studies related and up to date in innovation acceptance articles.

Moreover, UTAUT has been broadly used, and numerous studies have proven the validity and reliability of the model among different types of innovations and nations.

 [11,4] This is proven by using UTAUT in this study.


2.1 Factors Influencing the Sustainability of EG Services

To better understand the issues or the variables that affect the issue of users’ continued usage intention CUI towards EG in specific and technology in general, previous studies have worked extensively on continued usage intention as it applies to different domains.

In the past numerous studies have adopted the prior IT / IS theories to investigate and test the sustainability of usage of the EG services.

 Moreover, there are an enormous number of studies have been used to precisely identify the effect of PE, FC, SI, E-SA, and EE, on UB and CUI separately (not in individual unique frameworks) [4,12,13]. Consequently, this part reviews the articles that studied the usage behavior of information technology applications in numerous areas, and the factors that have been examined in the acceptance in numerous nations. 


2.1.1 (CUI) Continued Usage Intention of Electronic Government 

n general, user's intention to continue using EG application is the same as a user's aim to revisit a specific website or repurchase the same item or services [14,9,15].

However, the user's intention to implement a certain behaviour mirrors the inspiration reason that captures the level to which a human or user is willing to attempt to perform the same behavior [16]

In the post-adoption stage, a user’s intention to continue using EG services (1) stems from the earlier discussion of service use, which refers to the behaviour repetition mechanism, and (2) is influenced by prior use and evaluation of the services, which refers to the feedback mechanism [16]

 Likewise, Different characteristics of EG application Attributes play numerous functions in a user's continuance intention. [16].

So, investigating primary variables influencing post-adoption behaviour (continuing or discontinuing usage) is critical and important[17].


2.1.2 Use Behavior (UB)

Behavioral psychology has been labeled a field in which many theories have been upgraded to investigate the motivation behind individuals adapting new information technology. In addition, behavior has become a very influential variable for the continuing success of using the services[18]. 

Additionally, it analytically proved that many models account for around 50% of the variance in personal usage or personal will to use (intention to use) IT, and the scholars verified 32 variables drawn from more than seven models to detect which constructs have the most important impact on IT use[10]. 

Furthermore, the mediating role of UB is presented in the study framework in Figure 2 

2.1.3 Electronic Services Awareness (E-S)

The awareness it has been considered as an important variable related to (IDT)Innovation Diffusion Theory[19]. This shows whether persons are knowledgeable of the service advantages. [13,20] , and numerous studies link up E-Services (E-S) awareness as an independent variable to technology[21].The current study investigates the users’ awareness of the CUI of EG applications.


A solid relation between EG usage with the level of success[22], with proof that the EG success is based on the acceptance of its usage by the users[23]. Moreover, some countries extend the usage of ICT in general and establish Telecenter services [24] to increase awareness of EG services and their usage in urban and rural areas[25]. Also, it is super important to study IT in general and EG readiness and applications [26] in different countries [27-29]and among different environments [14, 30,31]. On the other hand, other studies examine IT knowledge in different life contexts [32] it also relates in an indirect way to the usage of EG.


2.1.4 Performance Expectancy (PE)

[10]identified Performance Expectancy (PE) as the level to which a person believes that using a technology, service or system will aid people in achieving high advantages in life performance or job. 

Constructs have been extracted from various models. the previous literature examined; the relationships established among different pairs of the construct.


2.1.5 Effort Expectancy (EE)

[10]identified that Effort Expectancy (EE) is described as the level of ease associated with the usage of technology or electronic services. 

The concept of EE is related to important three related constructs from the different models, that is perceived easy of use which is related to taken from TAM/TAM2, complexity related to MPCU, and finally, ease of use related to IDT, With fundamental similarities between the definitions of constructs and measurement scales. Likenesses between these structures have been noticed in previous research[33]. 


3.3.6 Social Influence (SI)

In general, (SI) has been expressed as the level to which a user is aware of other people's beliefs about the usage of technology or electronic systems in determining whether the individual or the user should use a new electronic system or new technology. [34]. 

Also,[10]. Stated that SI is represented as a direct control of behavioral intention via the use of three concepts, such as subjective norm TRA, TPB/IDTPB, TAM2, C-TAM-TPB, image IDT, and social factors MPCU 

Every single construct includes the implicit or explicit idea that a person's behavior is influenced by how others think about him or her because of his or her use of a new electronic system or new technology.


2.3.7 Facilitating Conditions (FC) 

[10]identified that (FC) has been identified as the degree of belief of a person with respect to the technical and organizational infrastructure that is used in supporting the user of using the electronic system.


It is theoretically distinguished from three various constructs, such as (FC) extracted MPCU, compatibility related to IDT, and perceived behavioural control related to C-TAM-TPB, DTPB, and TPBI. Then, every single construct is operationally conceptualized to contain consideration of organizational and technological environments constructed to prevent barriers to the new technology or new electronic systems’ usage. 


3. Questionnaire Design 

found that numerous research methods can be utilized in Management Information System (MIS) research, such as case studies, simulation, and others, but the is survey the most popular and common one.

Nowadays, the questionnaire is the most used type of data collection technique [14,35]. Accordingly, the current study questionnaire is structured into three main sections as illustrated in Table (1)

Table1. Summary of the Questionnaire 






Personal Data



Main Part



Performance Expectancy [10]



Effort Expectancy [36]



Social Influence [37]



Facilitating Condition [38]



Electronic Services Awareness [13]



Use Behavior [13,39]



(Sustainability) Continued usage Intention [11,36]





4. Validity of Research Questionnaire 

Interestingly, the study findings displayed validity for the items that established the survey that was collected and adopted from previous studies[38]. Accordingly, the term refers to a precise scale in which the degree represents the entire concept

[40]. Correspondingly, Validity is described as whether the question identifies the entire concept, the content validity which case measured by the items adequately represent the concept[41].

Based on the discussion, the research questionnaire used in this article successfully passed its content validity test, and the next section will discuss its reliability.


5. Reliability of the instrument

[42]stated that reliability refers to internal consistency. Moreover, indicated as the rank of the bias absence, indicating the consistency and stability with which the measurement of the instrument concepts and assessments reflect the goodness and the quality of measurement[41].

Furthermore, inter-item reliability investigates the consistency of the responses given by the respondents. However, in this regard, Cronbach's alpha coefficient is a widely employed to examine the reliability of inter-item.[41].

This study was conducted primarily to test not only the reliability, but validity and the viability of the current instrument utilized in the current research.

In this research, the reliability test of each construct was calculated using data collected from the current research.

Table 2. Cronbach’s Alpha Analysis


No. items

Cronbach’s Alpha

f- Sustainability (Continued Use Intention)



h-Use Behavior



c-E-Services Awareness



a-Social Influence



b-Effort Expectancy



c-Performance Expectancy



d-Facilitating Conditions



Generally, If the values of the items are not lesser than 0.70, then should deemed to be suitable and reliable to be eligible to be included in additional taxing. Moreover, the current study exam results are displayed in Table 2, it is manifest that the consistency of inter-item is between the constructs items values of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient are in general all more than 0.70 which is acceptable.



In this research, a summary of how the questionnaire in this research examines the effect of related variables on technology sustainability is accurately guided and developed by previous research.

The current study findings specify the reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha ) of the survey. Then, Legal procedures were followed in developing and designing the survey so that the significant contribution of the current study results from the theoretical and practical perspectives in terms of the sustainability of usage EG could be verified.

Furthermore, numerous experts in statistics were asked to check and review the questionnaire items and add comments on them before the study was conducted. Their comments have been taken into consideration and adjustments have been made accordingly. Finally, the current study discussed some of the antecedents of e-government and neglected many of them, like motivations, and habits, through which the impact on technology adoption and acceptance can be measured.

Conflict of Interest:

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest



No funding sources

Ethical approval:

The study was approved by the University of Information Technology and Communications, Baghdad, Iraq

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